5 days in Nairobi

I’m doing a short update, because i want to do a great update with few words and more pictures!

I’ll just mention that i’ve been having quite a difficult time trying to find something to help me show lot’s of pictures with little work long term. So right now, the short term, i’ve just been looking and looking for the perfect “thing” (in wordpress it’s called a “widget” or “plug in”) to help me do just that in the midst of fun, work, spotty wifi, and more.

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We hit a wall, but God was like “what wall?”/Llegamos a una pared, pero Dios dijo “¿qué pared?”


Have you ever ran? silly question, what i mean to ask is have you ever ran to the point where you have wanted to stop? Your body and your mind have had it. They want you to stop because you are reaching that point that you are out of their physical and mental COMFORT zone? Quick side-note,  i don’t mean the type of wall or “bonking” out that causes you to collapse out of a genuine depletion of stored energy from your body, don’t do that.

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